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Thursday, September 8, 2022


Making a welcome return to Kloof is pianist Christopher Duigan who will be performing in the beautiful stone church at St Agnes Church, Kloof, on Sunday September 18, 2022, at 15h00.

Following the total cessation of live performances and public gatherings during the Covid pandemic, Duigan returns to perform live and in person. For this concert, Duigan will play Concert Classics, a programme that includes popular Bach transcriptions and melodies Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring and Sheep May Safely Graze, nocturnes and waltzes by Chopin, and music by Debussy. He will also be including a number of favourites from his recent live-streams series.

This project of more than 225 hour-long productions, presented online at his YouTube channel and Facebook pages, offered local and international audiences an uplifting and enlightening “free to view” experience during lockdown.

The concert takes place at 15h00 on September 18, 2022, at St Agnes Church in Kloof.

Tickets: R130 include refreshments at interval.

Booking through email or MUSIC REVIVAL 083 417 4473 (sms or WhatsApp only)