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Monday, September 26, 2022


A new work by Vusi Makanya and Sifiso Kweyema.

KwaMashu School of Dance Theatre is proud to present Kwafuthi (Chronic), a collaborative production between two Durban-based choreographers and organizations.

The performances feature five exceptional dance artists, from KwaMashu School of Dance Theatre Professional Development. They are Thandeka Maqebula, Sinenhlanhla Moyeni, Anele Makanya, Amahle Nzama and Wandile Nodliwa. Kwafuthi (Chronic) is a new collaborative, African Contemporary dance production between Vusi Makanya and Sifiso Kweyama both Durban-born choreographers who have decades in South African dance history.

(Right: Vusi Makanya)

Vusi Makanya explains: “The performances, will showcase first time in KwaMashu Steel Gym Studio as results to bring theatre works to the community. Three years has been a long time when we within artists watched, the ravages of the Covid 19 Pandemic sweep over the nation. Our own artistic strength bore the onslaught as we watched our communities being slowly eroded. We stood highly-spirited and we survived. Kwafuthi (Chronic) draws inspiration from those who survived - survived not just Covid 19, but the co-morbidities as well as cancer, stroke, disability and Gender based violence.

Kwafuthi (Chronic) makes layered commentary on the fears we face each day of the UNKNOWN. Decisions taken each day, affected our future.”

In this creative production, encircled by the techniques of Physical Theatre, much of the artistry is dependent on improvisations where the dancers handle situations of unpredictability. The play between words and emotions mirrors our everyday unpredictable lives. Instant decisions, sometimes unclear, have their consequences. Kwafuthi (Chronic) will portray the lived stories of those who survived depression, fear, anxiety.

Our experiences empower our HEALING JOURNEY Kwafuthi (Chronic) by Vusi Makanya.

MAMA is a new contemporary dance piece by Sifiso Kweyama. The word Mama “she who gives birth” is a newly-innovative creative piece by Yabantu Performing Arts Theatre. South Africa is currently faced with an embarrassment where females have become a subject of daily abuse in the hands of their loved ones and yet it is the women who have sustained the growth of society and moulded families.

Mama adds its voice to the call against women abuse under the Yabantu slogan “for how long will the women be hurt, by those supposed to be caring for them?”

KwaMashu School of DanceTheatre, now in its 17th year, has a partnership between a Rural area company. Yabantu Multpurpose and Performing Arts Theatre, support by IDC, Social Empowerment Funds co-ordinated by Assitej SA.

KwaMashu School of DanceTheatre recently has featured over 100 young Artists, 11 Professional facilitators, 8 Teachers in 4 Schools, 2 Choreographers. 3 Public appearance Dusi Dance Company dance season, Durban Dance Movement Festival and Jomba Youth Open Horizons 1 appearance in movie shooting since we back in Arts and theatre.

Energy exchange: R80 Adults and R40 Children and Pensioners

The show takes place on October 8, 2022 at 15h00 at the Kwamashu Steel Gym (Old Post Office) P14 Memulo turn. For more information call 079 740 5812 or email: