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Thursday, September 8, 2022


The 2022 KZNSA Annual General Meeting will take place on Zoom on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, at 18h00.

The AGM is an opportunity for members to see what the organisation has been busy with and help plan for 2023. It's also the time to get involved by joining council - nominations are welcome for new council members, and will be voted on in the meeting.

Members are also advised that a new Life membership tier has been proposed for adoption and will be voted on at the meeting.

The meeting will take place via Zoom - please send RSVP to to be sent the Zoom link.

It is important that you maintain or renew your membership timeously in order to attend - please confirm that your membership is active for 2022 by September 23, 2022, to avoid missing out. To renew your membership online, click here

Download 2021 AGM minutes here.