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Saturday, December 3, 2022


Durban-based Barbara Trofimczyk, who reviews the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra’s concerts for artSMart, was recently in Cape Town.

She attended the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra’s Symphony Concert and makes the following comment:

“Being in Cape Town last week gave me the opportunity to attend the CPO's symphony concert which took place in the beautiful, recently renovated, acoustically resonant City Hall.

It was a particularly enjoyable programme of well-known 20th century American music, each work unique in its own setting but slotting perfectly into a programme of interesting contrasts and similarities:

Conductor: Conrad van Alphen. Soloist: Daniel Ciobanu (piano).

Programme: Westside Story Overture – Bernstein; Rhapsody in Blue – Gershwin and Symphony No 3 - Copeland

There was plenty of opportunity to showcase the excellence of the orchestra, and Conrad van Alphen took full advantage of this by coaxing some stunning effects from all sections, while Daniel Ciobanu entertained with his appropriately personal 'feel-free' interpretation of the concerto, and, in the encore, some jaw-dropping finger dexterity (a popular art-form with pianists these days!!)

A great evening of wonderful music! It was a full-house attendance by a hugely appreciative audience. An interesting point to note is the impressive list of sponsors and supporters shown in the programme.”

In the orchestra were four musicians who have at some time played in the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra*: Annien Shaw (violin); Rosamund Ender (cello); Mike Magner (trumpet), and Stuart Scott (trombone). - Barbara Trofimczyk


*For more information on the KZN Philharmonic, click on the advert on the top righthand side of this page.