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Saturday, January 14, 2023



(Right: Norman Arlott - supplied)

Penguin Random House and Struik Nature have announced with great sadness the death of Norman Arlott, award-winning British-based bird-and-wildlife artist, and anchor illustrator of the best-selling Sasol Birds of Southern Africa.

Arlott was the main contributing artist to several other publications under the Struik Nature banner, including Birds of Africa south of the Sahara (revised 2010) and Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands (revised 2013). His work is much more far-reaching, however, and has appeared in more than 150 publications spanning several continents. Arlott’s illustrative work is world class and has had a significant influence on the understanding and appreciation of nature and the environment.

Originally trained as a mechanical engineer, he chose in the 1970s to switch career to his real love as a wildlife artist, concentrating mainly on birds. His long-standing commitment to this field and the sheer volume of his output in numerous high-ranking publications, both locally and abroad, is evidence of his success and influence.

“He will be sorely missed by us all.”