(Ashwin Singh & Sivani Chinappan
Moodley; Supplied)
Coming up this May in the Playhouse Loft is Ashwin Singh’s new one-woman play, High Stakes.
High Stakes is a more detailed exploration of the character Gita Singh who first appeared in Singh’s 2013 play, Beyond the Big Bangs.
Performed by award-winning actress and dancer Sivani Chinappan Moodley, Gita is a businesswoman, a community worker, a widow, a grandmother ... and a gambler. A gambler who is now in trouble ... because she owes money to a loan shark ... and he is coming to collect.
High Stakes will be presented as a double bill in the Playhouse Company's prestigious New Stages Festival. Both productions are designed by Quintin Lee White and directed by Singh.
There will be three shows in the festival on May 19 and 20. Bookings are now open via Web tickets as follows: