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Thursday, March 16, 2023



(Above: Unmute Dance Company – Pic by Val Adamson)

Deadline: April 4, 2023

Call for papers for third JOMBA! MASIHAMBISANE DIALOGUES which runs from May 24 to 26, 2023.

The University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Creative Arts in partnership with Warwick University (UK) and the African Dance Disability Network, calls for submissions of abstracts, papers and digital participation for the third annual JOMBA! MASIHAMBISANE DIALOGUES, a colloquium to engage in robust and meaningful conversations around contemporary dance, online from May 24 to 26.

JOMBA!’s curator, Dr Lliane Loots is working with Warwick’s Prof Yvette Hutchison on a two-year UKRI – AHRC funded research project entitled Encountering disability through contemporary dance in Africa, and thus the colloquium will focus into the provocation of “Integrated dance practices: moving centres”.

A host of dance, practitioners, academics and associates are expected to participate including Joseph Tebandeke, a Ugandan dancer and choreographer based in Kampala, who will be one of the key-note speakers at this edition. The actual colloquium will be presented online and open to public viewing.

(Ugandan dancer and choreographer Joseph Tebandeke in full flight! Pic supplied)

This third annual JOMBA! MASIHAMBISANE DIALOGUES, hosted in the 25th anniversary year of the JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience, sets out to engage scholarship, pedagogy and practices into integrated dance as an embodied form with a particular African focus, without being exclusive.

The call out for papers, digital scholarship and any new integrated forms of knowledge sharing is open and closes on April 4 2023. 

For more details or to download the official call-out frame of reference go to