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Friday, March 31, 2023



Direct from the 2022 Grahamstown and Hilton Arts Festival, Rhumbelow Theatre will host Vincent - His Quest To Love And Be Loved produced by Amanda Bothma, Jacques du Plessis and Germaine Gamiet.

The show runs from April 14 to 16, 2023 and features Daniel Anderson (vocals) and Germaine Gamiet (piano) who were last seen at Rhumbelow in the excellent Mad About the Boys.

Towards the end of his short life, Vincent Van Gogh, who suffered from mental illness, was treated by Doctor Paul Gachet. Vincent writes to his brother Theo: “A great fire burns within me, but no-one stops to warm themselves at it, and passers-by only see a wisp of smoke.” The 37-year-old painter died of a self-inflicted wound in 1890.

On May 15 1990, The Portrait of Doctor Gachet was sold, within three minutes, for 75 million dollars.

Vincent, a multimedia cabaret, (National Arts Festival Bronze Standard Bank Ovation Award 2022) tells of a complex man with a ruthless drive to create and a deep-seated desire to love and be loved. The show tells of the artist’s search for love, told through reimagined versions of popular musical theatre, pop, rock and jazz numbers.

(Right: Daniel Anderson

Anderson is 22 years old and has grown up on the theatre stage. Starting as a child Elvis Presley impersonator, he migrated to musical theatre in 2010, where the roots of his career begin to take hold. He holds a BA degree in Film Production and an ATCL in Musical Theatre with the Trinity College of London. His first and true love, however, will always be the theatre as he finds no greater joy than shared moments on a stage.

Anderson’s most recent theatre credits include This Moment (CPT), Blommie Kabouter in Liewe Heksie, It’s Showtime! A Revue (CPT), Simeon/Narrator in Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Writer/Director of Beat It - The Incredible Story of Michael Jackson, Daniel Beauxhomme in Once On This Island (EL, CPT). He also has two one-man cabarets on the show circuit - “Mad About The Boys” and Vincent - his quest to love and be loved (Bronze Ovation Award NAF 2022).

Germaine Gamiet trained at the University of Cape Town’s South African College of Music, where he completed his music performance degree under the guidance of Franklin Larey and Sandra Kettle. When not on stage or in rehearsal rooms on, he is a dynamic arts management professional. He currently works at Pro Helvetia Johannesburg, The Swiss Arts Council, as the programme manager for Southern Africa.

Amanda Bothma’s work has entertained East London audiences at since her first break- through production of Bobaas in die Boendoe at the Guild Theatre in 1990. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Drama and Acting from the University of the Free State. In fall 2017 she enrolled at The Eugene O’Niell Theatre institute in Connecticut then in 2021 she trained in the Chekov method under Mara Laduvic co-founder of the Michael Chekov Actors Studio Boston. Since then, critically-acclaimed work continued to follow, earning her a list of award-winning productions including: A Star is Born – the rise and fall of Judy Garland, NEXT!!!, Damsel in Distress, The Story of Eva Cassidy and Vincent -his quest to love and be loved.

Vincent has performances on April 14 and 15 at 19h30 and on April 16 at 14h00 and 18h00. The running time is 60 minutes. Venue opens 90 minutes before show for drinks. Food is available at the theatre as is a bar(no alcohol may be brought on to the premises)

Tickets R200. Booking is essential through or COMPUTICKET

There is limited secure parking. Rhumbelow Theatre is situated at 42 Cunningham Road off Bartle Road in Umbilo, Durban.


Reviews of the production:

“The true essence of cabaret-style theatre leaves you wanting more and more as the show goes on.” - Devon Koen, The Herald

“He had me hooked from the first note right until the last” – Rod Amner, Grocott’s Mail

“The show was a wow. People sat there afterwards in a kind of trance-like state”. Robyn Cohen, The Cape Robyn