national Arts Festival Banner

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Deadline for submissions: May 5, 2023.

The Playhouse Company invites KwaZulu-Natal based theatre practitioners, companies/individuals to submit proposals for the Entity’s Community Arts Festival which will be staged at the Playhouse from October 18 to 28, 2023.

Interested candidates are to email: the following:

-A comprehensive motivation

-Detailed proposal about the production.

-Information regarding the production company including history and experience.

-A recent letter of reference from a credible source.

-There are no restrictions on the genre of productions which will be considered.

-Submit a list of the creative team, which includes cast members, technical team

-Supporting material about the company’s previous work would be an advantage.


Kindly note that the production must be stage-ready and no longer than 1 hour in duration.

No live bands are permitted. All submissions will be reviewed, and only shortlisted candidates will be invited for auditions.

Deadline for submissions: May 5, 2023.