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Friday, April 14, 2023


(Pics by Val Adamson)

 If you long for a brief escape from the stresses of loadshedding, food prices, fuel increases, negative news in the media, ad nauseum - then here’s your chance. (Review by Caroline Smart)

The McIlroy family is back in full swing! Their latest show, Family Business, which opened at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre last night, does just that. The title gives an idea of what the show represents – family business. This includes relationships with husband/wife and children, achievements, snatches from the MacBob repertoire and their huge capacity to handle difficult subjects with humour.

(Left: Fiona, Grace, Kaylee & Declan. In front: Lisa & Aaron)

Appearing on stage are audience favourites Aaron MciIroy and Lisa Bobbert alongside three of their daughters - Kaylee, Fiona and Grace – with their son Declan working the follow spot. The three girls are extremely talented and show they have the same capacity to dance and sing as their parents. However, it is Kaylee who grabs the attention. This young lady is already making a strong name for herself in theatre productions.

 A simple stage and excellent lighting offer a clear platform without the clutter of props to show off this family’s undeniable talents.

Glitzy costumes there are a-plenty – as well as some hilarious outfits that fit the characters of the MacBob legendary roles – such as pushy Charmaine and her husband, dof Bruce, who have been married for 26 years. Describing him as an old VW Beatle, she challenges anyone to be her for a day!


(Left: Lisa Bobbert)

Charmaine boasts that they have become the Kardashians of Durban but complains that she had to bribe the daughters to appear in the show (as if anyone would believe that!)

Elegantly dressed, the girls mostly provide back-up but they get a chance to have their own numbers such as The Corrs’ Runaway and Lady Gaga’s Poker Face.

Bobbert handles a Tina Turner medley and Joelene as Dolly Parton, wearing a huge white wig that would cover a cat!

McIlroy goes back to his Irish roots with some gentle numbers on the guitar. He also plays a guy in itchy trousers rambling on about lions and their behaviour … and the value of slops!

(Right: Aaron McIlroy)

No MacBob show would be complete without the audience’s favourite, Vijay Moodley. Fast-talking on subjects like getting fit and going green, he leaves the audience helpless with laughter. His speciality in this show is to send-up the game of golf.

If the audience response is any indication of the entertainment aspect of the show, this is it! Lovely to see people enjoying themselves so much.

Family Business ends with a collection of top South African numbers and the audience needed no encouragement to jump to their feet and dance energetically.

If you long for a brief escape from the stresses of loadshedding, food prices, fuel increases, negative news in the media, ad nauseum - then here’s your chance.

Directed by Darren King, with choreography by him and Daisy Spencer, Family Business runs until April 15 at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre with performances at 19h00, April 16 at 14h00 and from April 19 to 22 at 19h00 and on April 23 at 14h00. There is also a matinee at 14h00 on April 22.

Tickets: R200 (R185 - students and pensioners). R180 group bookings of 10 or more. R150 - special price preview on 12/04/23. Book through Computicket.

The Elizabeth Sneddon is situated on the University of KwaZulu-Natal campus. – Caroline Smart