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Monday, May 15, 2023

STAND Toolkits


(An example of one of the toolkits available)

Provincial launches of toolkits aimed at supporting community arts centres and organisations will take place across the country through May.

The Sustaining Theatre and Dance (STAND) Foundation announces a series of launches of the Community Arts Centre Toolkit Series in partnership with ASSITEJ South Africa. The month of May will be alive with events across the country, where community-based artists, organisations and Community centres will be invited to learn more about the toolkits and to do a dive into at least one of the toolkit topics.

STAND Foundation has been contracted by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC) to implement the Western Cape Community Arts Centre Strategy 2021-2025, as developed with and agreed to by the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS). The four-year plan for the community centres in the province includes a range of elements, for example, Capacity building, Advocacy and Networking, Information sharing and Support for community arts projects, amongst others.

In relation to these specific priorities, STAND commissioned ASSITEJ SA, the international association of theatre and performing arts for children and young people, to develop, research, write and edit six toolkits for Community Arts Centres and Community artists, dealing with the following topics:

- Definitions, Environment and Roles

- Governance, Management and Staffing

-. Financial Management

-. Fundraising and Income Generation

-. Marketing and Publicity

-. Programme and Project Management

 The toolkits have been developed and compiled with the input and expertise of the community arts centres and organisations themselves, as well as through engagement with a range of long-standing experts within the field. They are also serving as supplementary course materials for the University of Stellenbosch Business School, which has developed a course in leadership for community arts centre managers.

 Given the fact that these materials are of national interest, we have decided to launch the toolkits through a series of events in order to meet and reach the community-based artists on the ground. We are doing this in partnership with ASSITEJ South Africa’s Arts4Youth programme, which is part of the Social Employment Fund, and which employs 1650 participants part-time across 137 organisations around the country.

 Each provincial launch will be accompanied by a workshop, which allows for a deeper dive into the content of one or more of the toolkits.

The KZN launch will take place on 

May 19, 2023: Venue: K-CAP, KwaMashu. Time: 09h00 – 12h00

Contact: the following days through May:


Other provinces are as follows:

Eastern Cape Launch

Friday May 19, 2023: Venue: Rhodes Drama Department, Makhanda

Contact: Luvuyo on

Free State Launch

Saturday May 27, 2023: Venue: Fezile-Dabi Arts and Culture Centre, Zamdela, Sasolburg, Free State. Contact: Styx Mokejane on



Saturday May 13, 2023, Venue: Kagiso (Swanneville). Contact:

Saturday May 27, 2023; Venue: Windybrow Arts Centre; Contact:

Saturday May 27, 2023; Venue: Orange Farm Community Hall; Contact:

Limpopo Launch

Monday May 29, 2023: Contact:

Mpumalanga Launch

Saturday May 20, 2023: Venue: Nkomazi Local Municipality, Kamhlushwa Community Hall



Northern Cape Launch

Tuesday May 30, 2023: Venue: Mayibuye Centre, Galeshewe, Kimberley



North West Province Launch

Thursday May 25, 2023: Venue: Alpha Lodge and Spa, Rustenburg; Contact:


Western Cape Launch

This launch was part of the Community Arts Centre Indaba, held at Artscape from March 20-22, 2023.

There will be further launches attached to workshops that are still to be determined.

The toolkits are housed online, on the STAND Foundation’s website:

They can be viewed as living documents that can be updated and improved over time. In addition, supplementary tools, resources and examples, relevant to the subject matter of these toolkits, can also be downloaded and viewed or edited for use.

STAND believes that the Toolkits will play a significant and supportive role in contributing to the sustainability of Community Arts Centres nationally.


ABOUT STAND Foundation:

The Sustaining Theatre and Dance (STAND) Foundation is an independent, non-profit and public benefit entity, created by individuals within the sector to nurture, promote and celebrate contemporary South African dance and theatre.

STAND Foundation aims to provide opportunities for those who make their livelihoods within the dance and theatre sector to continue to practise their craft and earn an income. The idea is to serve all within the various linked dance and theatre ecosystems, such as education, creation, production, distribution, consumption, and archiving. This includes creative practitioners (actors, dancers, directors, writers, choreographers, designers, etc.), as well as administrators, educators, technical crew, publicists, archivists, researchers, and the like. It was launched on September 1, 2020, in response to the appalling toll that Covid-19 took on the creative sector.

STAND is driven by a Steering Committee, comprising Yvette Hardie (Chairperson), Gregory Maqoma, Musa Hlatshwayo, Saartjie Botha, Ismail Mahomed, Mike van Graan, Jean Meiring, Lakin Morgan- Baaitjies, Mxolisi Masilela and Lesego van Niekerk. Unathi Malunga, Ricardo Peach, Debbie Turner, Sbonakaliso Ndaba and Nasiphi Mkiva all contributed in the early stages of STAND. More info:



ASSITEJ South Africa’s vision is for all South African children and young people to have access to quality, performing arts especially designed for them, contributing to a more empathic, engaged and creative society. ASSITEJ South Africa is a registered NPO (066-875) and Public Benefit Organisation, with Section 18A status that operates as a networking platform for people working with or interested in theatre for children and young people. It aims to promote and foster high quality theatre for children and young people, to raise standards within the industry, to increase access and awareness, to develop and support artists working in the field, to be an advocate for the right of every child to arts education in schools, and to build relationships within the sector locally, nationally, across the continent and globally. ASSITEJ SA is the national centre for the international ASSITEJ (International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People) which is in more than 100 countries. More info: