Writer Graham Linscott, who also writes the popular Idler's Column for the Mercury newspaper, has pleasure in announcing the release of a highly entertaining book he has edited on the 45-year circus career of Gavin Telford in his native South Africa, several countries in Europe, Britain, the United States and with the Moscow State Circus.
He played the roles of ringmaster, lion tamer and clown. Telford takes us behind the scenes to the humour and occasional heartbreak of circus life.
Telford spent part of his schooldays and most of his working life with circuses as a lion tamer, ringmaster and clown. This ranged from circuses in his native South Africa to circuses in Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the Moscow State Circus.
His story is a lively one of comedy, tensions and occasional heartbreak, as well as a steadfast commitment to the values of the sawdust ring.
The book can be purchased here: