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Sunday, June 11, 2023



The KZNPO has to rely at the moment on some imported professional players, notably in the woodwind and brass sections, instruments that frequently play in soloistic ensembles, and one must commend both conductor and players for achieving the required clarity in this symphony, with winds and well-coordinated strings always in perfect balance. (Review by Barbara Trofimczyk)

Mahler - 'Blumine': Chausson - 'Poem'  :

Da Sarasate - 'Zigeunerweisen'

Mendelssohn - 'Scottish' Symphony, Number 3

Conductor - Anna Sulkowska-Migon

Soloist - Rosanne Phillippens


This week's concert, the first in the KZNPO's 2023 Winter Symphony Season in the Playhouse Opera Theatre, was very well attended and much enjoyed by audience and performers alike, and the choice of music on this occasion was particularly successful.

The programme opened with Mahler's Blumine, an early work, pastoral in sentiment and graced with some lovely lyrical trumpet solos, followed by Chausson's Poem, exquisitely played by violinist Rosanne Philippens.

In complete contrast to end the first half, Philippens entertained the audience with her stunning display of violin technique and musical characterisation in her earthy performance of the popular Zigeunerweisen by De Sarasate. It was particularly delightful to notice the close co-operation between soloist and conductor, each fully engaged in their respective roles of soloist and accompanist. Rather vital in this piece!

In Mendelssohn's 'Scottish' Symphony the music's intricate contrapuntal combination of easily-recognisable themes bound by a rhythmic energy - at times intense, or gently lilting as in the slow movement, and scored for clarity at the correct tempi - received a performance perfect in every respect under the direction of Polish conductor Anna Sulkowska-Migon.

The KZNPO has to rely at the moment on some imported professional players, notably in the woodwind and brass sections, instruments that frequently play in soloistic ensembles, and one must commend both conductor and players for achieving the required clarity in this symphony, with winds and well-coordinated strings always in perfect balance. - Barbara Trofimczyk

The next concert in the Winter Symphony Season will take place on June 15 at 19h00 at the Playhouse Opera. For tickets contact Quicket.

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