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Sunday, June 25, 2023


Conductor, Daniel Boico, captured the distinctly folk-inspired character of Dvorak's 8th Symphony in an exquisite performance by the orchestra. (Review by Barbara Trofimczyk)

The third concert in the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra’s recent Winter Symphony Concert series took place in the Playhouse Opera Theatre on June 22, 2023.

Liszt - Mephisto Waltz   \ Liszt - Piano Concerto No 1

Dvorak - Symphony No 8

Conductor - Daniel Boico

Soloist - Yeon-Min Park (piano)

When the soloist of a Liszt Concerto gets a spontaneous standing ovation for her performance and then again for the encore (also Liszt) it is an acknowledgement of her technical mastery of a challenging score as well as her stunning musical portrayal of the composer's intent.

Franz Liszt was in his day, a pianist of great esteem whose compositions are on the To-Play list of all aspiring concert performers.

Ms Parks' performance of the concerto No 1 and the popular La Camponello (encore), earned every bit of the standing ovations she got. The slow lyrical passages were beautifully expressed, and the cadenza-like passages and decorative pianistic flourishes that abound in this work were played with perfect clarity of finger-work, all of which were couched in a varied and consistently beautiful piano tone. It was a captivating and enjoyable experience.

Mephisto Waltz that opened the concert demonstrated another aspect of Liszt's genre, that of the descriptive Tone Poem - in this case inspired by the Faust story. It was a good performance by Boico and the KZNPO, although a slightly slower tempo would have better captured the Waltz rhythm.

Dvorak's 8th Symphony after the interval, allowed for a more relaxed spell of listening.

Conductor, Daniel Boico, captured the distinctly folk-inspired character of this work in an exquisite performance by the orchestra.

Dvorak's orchestration allows for plenty of scope for the woodwinds, and especially beautiful was the silvery flute that tops the woodwind section.

It was another most enjoyable concert by the KZNPO.

Next week's concert, the last in the winter series, includes a work by Roelof Temmingh to be played by one of South Africa's top clarinettists for whom the work was written. Brother, Lykele Temmingh will be conducting. Booking ifs through Quicket or contact 031 369 9438 for more information.

A concert definitely not to be missed! - Barbara Trofimczyk


NB: For more information on the KZNPO activities, click on the advert at the top right-hand side of this page.