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Thursday, August 31, 2023


25 Years of Learning, Loving and Fighting. (Review by Rowin Munsamy)

In my first year at university, I was bewildered by the new culture of tertiary studies and the many freedoms that I had at my disposal to shape my creative mind.

One of these creative inspirations occurred when I begged my parents to send me to a contemporary dance festival that I heard whispers about from my drama friends.

I have since been to 25 JOMBA! openings and have had the pleasure to perform in the festival, work backstage for and now write reviews for this unique, longest running, internationally known contemporary dance festival in South Africa.

JOMBA! is one of seven annual festivals run by the Centre for Creative Arts. The festival, not only survived Covid lockdown but thrived by creating a new online branch of videoed contemporary dance. The festival boasts a long history. - Rowin Munsamy

Message from Dr Lliane Loots, Artistic Director / Curator of the Jomba! Contemporary Dance Experience

“JOMBA! reaching this quarter century milestone of 25 years is a testament not just to the Centre for Creative Arts, but to a generation of African dance makers who, alongside our dance partners in Europe, America, India and Brazil, have dug in – and despite pandemics, rising global disregard for critical arts and losing space for live performance, we are still here – and flourishing!

This festival is dedicated to all those who have made time and space to dance at JOMBA! – to dance makers who have brought beauty, humour, pathos and politics to our stages and hearts, to audiences who come back again and again, and to our partners and funders who ‘show up’ for us and make it all possible.  This 25th anniversary JOMBA! honours all of you – past and present.”

For more information visit

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