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Saturday, August 26, 2023



Sparkling soloistic brilliance, and with an exquisite lyrical Andante, it is a favourite with performers and audiences alike. Soloist, Fanny Clamagirand, was certainly equal to the task even though relatively soft in tone, and the Finale tended to be rather too fast for comfort! (Review by |Barbara Trofimczyk)


Glinka - Valse-Fantaisie : Mendelssohn - Violin Concerto :

Schubert - "Unfinished" Symphony : Mendelssohn - Nocturne and Scherzo.

Conductor - Arjan Tien. Soloist -  Fanny Clamagirand (violin)


The KZN Philharmonic Orchestra is presenting three concerts for this Early Spring Season, consisting mainly of well-known music of the Romantic era.

It would appear that the orchestra is in a state of flux! Many of the familiar faces are no longer there, their places filled by extra players from elsewhere, and half the sections no longer have a principal leader. The choice of oft-performed favourites seemed to suggest a "play safe" option in order to ensure a good outcome in spite of the circumstances! It is nevertheless a professional orchestra and performs very well under the direction of a good conductor such as they had in Arjan Tien this week,

Glinka's delightful, somewhat wistful Valse Fantiesie opened the programme and was followed, in complete contrast, by Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto, one of his finest compositions.

Sparkling soloistic brilliance, and with an exquisite lyrical Andante, it is a favourite with performers and audiences alike.

Soloist, Fanny Clamagirand, was certainly equal to the task even though relatively soft in tone, and the Finale tended to be rather too fast for comfort!

Schubert's famous "Unfinished Symphony" was the main feature of the second half. One wonders why it is "Unfinished" just because it has only two movements. Why wasn't it finished? Some say that half the completed score is missing. Others will suggest that the two movements are so deeply expressive as to bely any possible continuation! There are many suggestions and the academic research is ongoing.

Arjan Tien, it would appear, felt it was appropriate to "finish" the "Unfinished" with Mendelssohn's Nocturne and Scherzo. Why else would he proceed immediately from the end of the Symphony to Mendelssohn's Nocturne without the customary pause for applause?

Personally, considering how different the two composers are, that seems like a distinctive miss match! - Barbara Trofimczyk

The next concerts will take place on August 31 and September 7, 2023, at 19h00 in the Playhouse Opera. Tickets available at Webtickets. For more information, click on the KZNPO advert at the top right-hand side of this page. This will take you to the orchestra’s website.