Experience the magic of this Sue Cook Dance Studio show, once again held at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre. This magical production which runs from October 5 to 8, 2023, showcases the outstanding choreography of Sarah Smith and the talents of the dancers, ranging in age from 3 to 20.
With stunning costumes, enchanting music and a variety of dance styles, including ballet, contemporary, jazz and modern, this show promises to be a delightful event for the entire family. Don’t miss the opportunity to catch this mesmerizing production during the upcoming school holidays.
Tickets are R140 and advance booking is through Computicket as follows:
Online: https://tickets.computicket.com/event/there_s_magic_in_the_air/7226523
Call Centre: 0861 915 800
Outlets: Checkers stores at money-market counters
dates and times:
Thursday and Friday October 5 and 6 - 18h00
and Sunday October 7 and 8 - 15h00