MCCD (Musical Collaboration in Cultural Diversity) Jazz Meets Bollywood with Jimmy Dludlu & Shashika Mooruth on September 30, 2023, at 17h00.
Durban will end Heritage Month with Musical Collaboration in Cultural Diversity (MCCD) which will be hosted at The Station Urban Event Space – Roof Top of the Durban Railway Station on Saturday September 30.
Its theme is Jazz Meets Bollywood which is evident in the line-up of musicians that will be performing. Revellers will be entertained by Jimmy Dludlu, Shashika Mooruth, Thee Legacy, Nick Pitman, Vincent Mtetwa, Nicky Shange, Virendra Mohan, Shanjeet Teeluck, Vitech Surujbally, Royalson, Vishen Kemraj, Dilkash, Thee Legacy and Zawadi YaMungu.
One of the reasons behind the MCCD is to acknowledge cultural differences among citizens of South Africa and bring about social cohesion. It is sponsored by the National Arts Council which is the funding agency of the Department of Sports, Arts, and Culture. Artists that are billed to perform will be spreading messages of togetherness in celebration of South African cultural diversity by different races. Music is the best way to forge unity that lasts a lifetime.
Revellers are expected to arrive at The Stations Events from 17h00. Tickets are available at and Pick ‘n Pay. They range from R300 for general public and R700 for VIP. Use hashtags #SagiyaMCCD #FeelSpecial #DressYourCulture.
For more information, follow @sagiyafoundation and @mccdza on Instagram, like and follow the Facebook Page Sagiya Foundation or Philani Duma, subscribe to the YouTube channel of Sagiya Foundation, and visit the website