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Saturday, October 14, 2023



I left the theatre feeling thoroughly entertained, rejuvenated (laughing that much will do that to you), inspired about our planet, and with a resolve to “be kinder to each other and ourselves”. (Review by Romi Schumann)

Theatregoers are being treated to a wonderful partnership between performer and writer/director at the Seabrooke’s Theatre at DHS in Durban. Just when you think that you are familiar with Aaron McIlroy’s style of delivery, he throws a curveball in A Vegan Killed My Marriage written and directed by multi-award-winning Craig Freimond.

From the first line, we were rolling in the aisles but then slowly began to experience the disquieting feeling that this is not a laughing matter. The hilarious content was onpoint for today’s world. Through the belly laughs, the audience learned about everything from the beautiful quiet of the Buddhist Retreat Centre, to graphically-presented wholesale slaughter, and the suffering and betrayal of the Judas goat. No more said about that … go and see the show.

Watching McIlroy leads us from “carnivorous harmony” to the fallout from his character’s zealous change of heart and the effect it has on his marriage and other relationships is like coming home to something familiar, until it isn't. We are never in doubt about his genuine conversion and as his life goes awry he presents us with a serious and sincere man who reveals his heartache. Suddenly, but sensitively, the mood changes and the moving climax left me with a lump in my throat.

We are well acquainted with this funny man’s skill with quirky physical characterizations and vocal sound effects but you will enjoy this new character. He does not do away with the old but extends into the new. The change that the physical calm and hushed, clear vocals bring about is astonishing. The poignant resolution is simply directed and performed, bringing a welcome stillness after the fanatical energy and conflict that came before, but even in these moments, Eskom is there to remind us that this is a comedy.

I left the theatre feeling thoroughly entertained, rejuvenated (laughing that much will do that to you), inspired about our planet, and with a resolve to “be kinder to each other and ourselves”. That is the purpose of theatre, is it not? Writer and performer have hit the nail on the head. This one-man show is going to go down as one of my favourites featuring Aaron McIlroy.

A Vegan Killed My Marriage has tickets available through Webtickets for October 15, 17, 18, 20, 22.

Age restriction: 12 Years

Seabrooke’s Theatre is situated at Durban High School in St Thomas Road, Durban. - Romi Schumann