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Friday, July 12, 2024



(Above: Christopher Duigan. Photograph by Val Adamson)

Friends of Music is partnering with Christopher Duigan’s Music Revival to present a piano recital by Steinway Artist Christopher Duigan.

The popular concert pianist is back in Durban to entertain with his usual elegant and charismatic performance.

The programme includes:

JS Bach – Preludes and Fugues from “The Well Tempered Clavier”

Beethoven – Sonata Op 31 No 2 “Tempest”

Brahams – Intermezzo Op 118

Chopin – Scherzo No 3


The concert will take place on July 21 at 14h30 at the Durban Jewish Centre – 44 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road.

Widely regarded as one of South Africa's leading concert pianists, Duigan has performed extensively with all leading South African orchestras including the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic, Cape Philharmonic and Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestras, in a repertoire of more than 25 concerti.

In recital, he has achieved a popular following through his innovative presentation and programming featuring a broad and eclectic taste in music.

Duigan, and his Music Revival initiative, are synonymous with accessible live classical music concerts performed throughout South Africa, with home-town Pietermaritzburg as its fulcrum. For over 30 years, he has performed on average 100 performances a year – solo, with associates and with musical ensembles.

Tickets R140 (R120 for FOM members) are available at the door.

For more information go to or phone 0715051021 (Keith)