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Friday, July 12, 2024


Loosely based on the short story by Roald Dahl, It’s Taboo presents Georgy Porgy which heralds the hysterical history of George. 

Directed by Peter Court and performed by Thomie Holtzhausen, this marks the final time the drama will be shown.

George’s childhood and especially his memories and experiences of his rather “liberal” mother have made George exactly who he is today… a platteland vicar in a small female dominated parish in the Free State.

 George has a rather idiosyncratic view of the opposite sex. He considers women beautiful, aloof and alluring but they reside upon pedestals high above common man. But women are also curious, very curious… especially about George’s vows of abstinence and celibacy.

This fact, women find a fascinating mystery… and what woman can resist a good mystery…

The performance takes place on August 30, 2024, at Seabrooke’s Theatre at Durban High School. Doors open at 7pm and the show starts at 7.30pm. A Cash Bar is available.

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