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Sunday, July 21, 2024


(Right: “Uncloaking The Umgeni Estuary” by Ingrid Adams'. Pic supplied)

KZNSA Galleries has new exhibitions running until Sunday July 28, 2024.

The Main Gallery is hosting Ingrid Adams', Uncloaking The Umgeni Estuary.

In the Park and Mezzanine galleries is Dear Mr President, Hear our voices, an exhibition curated by Bren Brophy and Harry Lock.


Uncloaking The Umgeni Estuary

The focus of this exhibition is on the community of plants in the Umgeni Beachwood Mangroves Estuary. It emerges from Ingrid Adams' doctoral study in Fine Arts following a Practice-Led research approach. As a resident artist of the area surrounding the estuary, she felt compelled to explore and respond to the current ecological realities of this estuary.

She explains: “The global context of environmental degradation and climate change exacerbate my concerns over pollution, rising sea levels, the influx of alien vegetation, floods. In addition, approved building developments will further compound the vulnerability of this estuary.”


Dear Mr. President - Hear our voices

Dear Mr President - Hear our voices focuses on the development and power of young South African voices prior to and post elections. Youth are mobilizing to build their skills and agency to promote democracy, human rights, and civic education – as well as drive a more ‘hopeful’ and ‘active’ youth agenda within the political arena.

The creative content for this exhibition was developed within an extensive series of participatory workshops with Grade 12 youth in Secondary Schools, at TVET, (Technical, Vocational, Educational Training) Colleges and with youth not in education, employment or training in the townships surrounding Durban. These workshops focused on civic education, democracy, and voter education prior to the recent elections.


The KZNSA Gallery is situated at 166 Bulwer Road, Glenwood, in Durban. More information on 031 277 1705 or cell 082 220 0368 or visit