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Saturday, August 3, 2024


(Photos supplied)

(Left: “In the Making” by the Non-site Art Collective)

The KZNSA is hosting two new exhibitions: A Glass Darkly by Adelle van Zyl in the Park Gallery and In the Making by the Non-site Art Collective comprising Dr Adelheide Frankiewicz, Davina de Beer, and Franli Meintjies.


Through the combination of three independent artistic explorations In the Making contributes to ways of understanding how personalised processes embedded in a rich sense of materiality result in unique visual languages. These converse with each other and result in dynamic expressions of constantly being ‘in the making’.


(Right: “A Glass Darkly” by Adelle van Zyl)

For van Zyl's A Glass Darkly, liminal interior spaces become loaded expressions of the intricacy and frailty of the human psyche. In the buildings she explores, mid-century pressed glass windows serve to obscure rather than to reveal, as light is allowed to enter but vision of the outside world is blocked.

The KZNSA Gallery is situated at 166 Bulwer Road, Glenwood, in Durban. More information on 031 277 1705 or cell 082 220 0368 or visit