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Tuesday, August 20, 2024



… it all makes for a lively, local tale which might make readers ponder their friendships a little more closely –looking carefully at some of their soulmates. (Review by Margaret von Klemperer, courtesy of The Witness)

Gail Schimmel’s novels are categorised as “domestic noir”, stories that appear to be set in a cosy, familiar world but give that world a sharp and sinister twist. The Finish Line fits those criteria perfectly.

Here the central characters are Brenda Critchley and Denver Melvill, who, when we first meet them, are growing up in the Johannesburg of the 1970s.

Brenda is from the wrong side of the tracks, but she is clever and a star athlete. Her parents are somewhat odd, liberal, and care nothing for fitting in, which makes life tricky for Brenda, although they love their child.

Denver’s family are firmly entrenched in the smart and snobbish set but they have a meanness about them which rubs off on their daughter. The girls are at school together, where they are the two athletics champions, but Brenda is that little bit faster and cleverer, something that will rankle with Denver for the rest of their lives.

Brenda, because of her upbringing, never feels that she entirely belongs, despite having a circle of friends, and plenty of success. But she goes on to meet and marry the perfect husband, and have a successful career, despite Denver’s efforts to put her down at every opportunity and to derail her life wherever she can, carrying on way beyond their schooldays. The reader does come to wonder why Brenda doesn’t assert herself, and simply ditch the relationship – but then there would be no story.

We follow the two into adulthood, marriage and motherhood, with all the vicissitudes that they bring. Generally, Brenda manages to deal with Denver’s rather inept plotting against her, but as time passes, Denver spreads her net a bit wider, targeting Brenda’s family as well – and that is something Brenda cannot forgive.

The ending is sharp and ultimately chilling, although it has been signalled, perhaps a little too obviously, before we get there. Schimmel has created an entertaining story, and if at times, there is too much telling and not enough showing to make her characters entirely believable – the villains are very villainous and the goodies a little too good to be true – it all makes for a lively, local tale which might make readers ponder their friendships a little more closely –looking carefully at some of their soulmates. - Margaret von Klemperer

The Finish Line: Review by Gail Schimmel is published by Macmillan ISBN 978-1-77010-924-7