(Right: Andrew Walford at
work. Pic supplied)
Andrew Walford is hosting an Open Day on December 8 at his studio in Shongweni overlooking Shongweni Dam and game reserve.
Please join to celebrate the new pots Andrew has taken from his special collection.
There will be usual teas, coffee and legendary home-made lemon juice with hot Christmas mince pies.
Parking is at the usual site opposite the entrance but it is
possible to drive up if needed.
“We look forward to meeting old friends and new art lovers,” says Andrew and Leanda.
You can also buy directly off www.andrewwalfordpottery.com
or gift pots to friends around the country.
@Shongweni Studio
Street View
Take Shongweni exit off N3 freeway and follow signs for 8kms
to B9 in the Shongweni Valley M551 Continuation of Kassier Road.
(1km past Shongweni Farmers Market)
Email: andrew@andrewwalford.co.za
Andrew's Number: (076) 500 3610
Leanda's Number: (082) 794 7796