(Above: The KZN
Philharmonic Orchestra with conductor Mark Kadin. Pic by Shelley Kjonstad)
Playhouse Opera: Thursday February 27 at 19h00.
The second and final concert in the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra’s 2025 two concert Summer Season takes place in The Playhouse Opera Theatre on Thursday February 27 starting at 19h00. There are no public morning rehearsals.
Bongani Tembe, KZN Philharmonic’s Chief Executive and Artistic Director, says: “It is our great pleasure and privilege to welcome back our unique community of music lovers for our two-concert Summer Symphony Season of 2025. Now as ever, we are set to uphold the grand traditions of our long-running World Symphony Series, as we bring the music lovers accomplished guest stars from around the world. The season dovetails with our continued commitment to community engagement and skills transfer among new-generation artists and learners.’
The second and final concert of the season sees Mark Kadin on the podium essaying the music of Haydn, Chopin and Mendelssohn.
The evening opens with Haydn’s fun Toy Symphony. Dating from the 1760s, there are parts for a cuckoo clock, toy trumpet, bird calls, triangle, toy drum, chimes and glockenspiel – the percussive sound effects and quirky humour will engage concert goers of all ages.
Typically, guest artists (in the form of local celebrities) are invited to participate in the piece. The orchestra management is not revealing who the celebs might be!
(Left: Leo de Maria. Pic supplied)
Spanish virtuoso, Leo de Maria, performs the evenings centrepiece – Chopin’s Piano Concerto No.1 in e minor, composed in the grand virtuoso tradition.
The evening wraps up with Mendelssohn symphony No.4 in A Major, his Italian symphony – with sparkles of Mediterranean sunshine, lavish art, magnificent architecture and far-flung landscapes.
KZN Philharmonic Season tickets are available through KZN
Philharmonic Office on 031 369 9438 or info@kznphil.org.za, and bookings for
individual concerts, are available at Quicket outlets. Concert 2
For more information call 031-369 9438, email info@kznphil.org.za or visit www.kznphil.org.za
Or you can gain access to the KZNPO’S website by clicking on the advert to the top right-hand side of this article.
Bus Service
The KZN Philharmonic Orchestra wants to make their audiences’ experience as comfortable as possible. Many audience members would prefer not to self-drive to the Playhouse to attend KZN Philharmonic concerts in the evening, so the Orchestra is providing a subsidised bus service allowing people to park in the suburbs and hop onto a bespoke bus into town.
Various routes are on offer: for the North of Durban residents - from Grace Family Church in Umhlanga departing at 18h10 (R100 return); for Upper Highway residents - a bus departs from St Agnes Church at 17h50 (R100 return); Westville residents can park at Westville Senior Primary, with a bus departing at 18h10 (R80 return); a bus stops at the Caister Lodge in Durban’s Berea for Durbanites, departing 18h20 (R60 return). Safe, free parking is available at all departure points. Booking through Quicket. https://qkt.io/N1YIOs