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Sunday, August 10, 2008


Reality Bytes, winner of this year’s Fringe Audience Favourite Award at the Musho Theatre Festival, will be running at the Square Space Theatre (UKZN, Howard College Campus) for one week only from August 12 to 17.

This quirky and physically engaging piece of theatre looks at two news anchors, Mahesh (Rowin Munsamy) and Yvette (Tessa Sessions), who are distraught with the current state of affairs and want something to be done. They are waiting for change to occur either by chance or by force of will. During one of their news reports, the two characters are themselves thrown into a make-believe world of reality TV and are now trying to find their way back to the reality that they are familiar with.

Every step that they take gets them closer to reality but along the journey they find themselves participating into warped and unforgiving versions of Survivor, The Amazing Race, Idols, The Bachelor, Big Brother, and many more. There are times when they are unable to distinguish one reality form another; they fight, paddle and scratch their way - playing literally for their lives - to the final stages of the game and then are left wondering if they want the old reality or are content with this new-found reality.

All this takes place in the space of one episode of 45 minutes, which, as they discover, is not enough time to fall in love.

Reality Bytesis written and directed by Rowin Munsamy (with directorial assistance from Wesley Maherry). Performances take place in the Square Space Theatre, University of KZN, from August 12 to 17 nightly at 19h00 (Sunday at 15h00). Ticket R50 (R25 students, scholars and pensioners) booked through 083 763 6292 or email

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