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Saturday, October 18, 2008


(Pic: Azanah opens the 2008 Festival of Music)

The UKZN School of Music introduces the 2008 Festival of Music from October 20 to 25 at Howard College Theatre and the Centre for Jazz and Popular Music, UKZN. This annual festival will provide an excellent performance opportunity for young performers from KwaZulu-Natal.

Students from various programmes within the School of Music will showcase their talents and skills with different musical styles being highlighted each night.

The festival kicks off with a free lunch-hour concert featuring Azanah - a graduate of the School of Music’s African Music and Dance Programme. Azanah and her band will perform an eclectic array of traditional and modern compositions influenced by a range of musical styles which include umakhweyana bow, house music and Afro-Jazz. This concert takes place at Howard College Theatre on October 20 at 12h15.

Later the same evening, current African Music & Dance students present a dynamic programme of African dance, instrumental and vocal music.

On October 21, the festival moves to the Centre for Jazz and Popular Music to feature Popular and Jazz Voice students. The following evening, instrumental Jazz and Popular Music students take to the stage. Tuesday and Wednesday concerts at the Jazz Centre begin at 17h30 – as usual a cash bar is available (More information on 031 260 3385).

October 24 sees the Quinto Festival dell'Opera - an Italian Opera evening, hosted by the Italian consulate. The Italian Ambassador, Mr Enzo Menzione is the guest of honour. Included in the programme will be staged scenes from operas by Mozart, Donizetti and Verdi and an Italian arias competition open to all First level students studying Opera at UKZN.

The annual Classical Performers Competition now forms part of this week-long festival with Round 1 taking place at Howard College Theatre on October 23 at 10h00. Open to both UKZN Music students and scholars between the ages of 10 and 18 years, the competition is adjudicated in separate categories by a panel of three music experts selected from across the region.

The competition offers a prestigious performance occasion for local performers and their teachers. Both winners will appear as soloists in a performance with the KZNPO at a Campus Concert at UKZN in 2009. Other prizes include music store vouchers and cash prizes generously sponsored by the UKZN Faculty of Humanities, Development and Social Sciences.

There will be an Audience Prize where members of the audience have the option of making a donation towards a ballot paper - the total amount collected will be awarded to the soloist who wins the most votes! Winners will perform in a public concert on October 25 at 19h30 at Howard College Theatre. Tickets R40 (R20 concessions) booked on 031 260 3353.