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Saturday, October 11, 2008


Evocative, brilliantly-executed landscapes by Free State artist

An exhibition of evocative, brilliantly-executed landscapes by Free State artist Kobus Kotze opens at the elegant Anton Benzon @ Crouse Art Gallery KZN on October 25.

What makes this exhibition unusual is that this exhibition has become a family affair with Kobus’s work hanging alongside work by his wife, Joe, and daughters Hanlie and Mariaan – all of whom are also accomplished painters. Their marketing manager / agent / framer, is son Floris who works together with his wife Anine. This is the first time that the whole family has exhibited together in KZN.

Kobus Kotzé's passionate love for capturing landscapes is very much the essence of his inspiration. He is sensitive to the relationship between man and nature. He has been painting since 1967 and with all the years of experience, he developed a unique sense of mixing and using colours. One of the exceptional qualities in his work is his ability to make the sky look real and radiant. He is an artist who uses his camera to capture landscapes, trees and cities. In his studio he combines the photographs with his emotions and traditions. These paintings capture the way he views the world.

Wife Joe chooses acrylic and impressionist technique of painting as she loves the texture and body this creates in her work – “that is why I could never really do water-colour,” she muses. Like her husband, her inspiration comes from the beautiful landscape around where she lives but she also loves street scenes and people. “We were in Europe and Greece last year and I just fell in love with the beautiful buildings – they really inspired me!”

Hanlie’s work will also be on the walls of the Crouse Gallery. She favours the symbolism and poetry blend and has always been fascinated by the interpretation of what could be called “word art”. Hanlie believes that painting and poetry are a reflection of her creativity and the marriage of the two is natural. Hanlie studied journalism and has always written poems which she has incorporated into her work. “My daughter combines some profound words with some amazing original images – I don’t know anyone else who creates anything remotely like her work,” says Joe. Hanlie is a mother of three small children and has balanced her family with her work throughout her career.

Mariaan studied art and has a diploma in fine art and sculpture in Bloemfontein. After graduating, she married and had three daughters and has only picked up her career in earnest in the last five years. Her images are playful and quirky. She works in acrylic and oils painting faux books-shelves with books. She themes her paintings and works around topics such as golf, cinema, academic topics and landscapes. Her work is fun, humorous and easy on the eye.

The exhibition opens to the public on October 25 at Crouse Art Gallery KZN at 56 Adrain Rd in Morningside. More information on 031 312 2315 or visit