Popular jazz personality Mike Rossi (pictured) will perform and give a workshop at The Stable Theatre.
Durban’s Stable Theatre at 115 Johannes Nkosi Street (formerly Alice Street) is now under new management. One of the first events scheduled in the new way-forward for this city centre-based theatre venue is a performance by popular jazz personality Mike Rossi, now living in Cape Town. Rossi became well-known on the local jazz circuit when he was affiliated to the University of KwaZulu-Natal's Centre for Jazz.
Highly respected in international jazz circles as an author, a recording artist, and a woodwind specialist of note, Mike Rossi is Professor of Jazz and Woodwind at the South African College of Music, University of Cape Town. He performs regularly at jazz festivals and conducts workshops and master classes in Africa, Europe and the United States.
Mike Rossi will perform at The Stable Theatre on October 17 with Melvin Peters on keyboard, Logan Byrne on acoustic bass and Bruce Baker on drums. The evening’s support act will be the popular four-piece jazz band Sweet Concept, featuring Thabani Gapara on alto sax, Siya Mthethwa on keys, Bheka Mthethwa on bass and Sbu Zondi on drums. The programme starts at 20h00 and includes a 30-minute musical tribute to the late jazz legend, Bheki Mseleku. Tickets R75 (students R35 on presentation of student cards).
Prior to his performance, Rossi will give a workshop on October 16 from 16h30 to 18h30. This is open to intermediary music practitioners including professional musicians. The theme deals with the role of the horns in a quartet and trio set-up versus the big band scenario. Places are limited to 30 people and booking is essential on a first-come-first-served basis. Admission to the workshop is free.
“We are delighted to have secured an artist of Mike Rossi’s exceptional standing to launch our new programme,” says Stable Theatre Board member Ramoll Bugwandeen, himself a well-known Durban jazz enthusiast and programme director. “In our planning, we have adopted the theme ‘Invest In Culture’ sponsored by the National Department of Arts and Culture, ensuring The Stable Theatre is strategically positioned to move forward on a creative and productive level. This will enable The Stable Theatre to present ongoing monthly concerts and other projects in genres including the visual arts. Watch press for details of these events which are currently scheduled up to February 2009.”
Bookings for both the Stable Theatre workshop and concert are through Mandla Mlotshwa on 031 309 2513 or 072 260 0654.