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Saturday, October 25, 2008


Gallery trail with free hop-on, hop-off bus extended to November 6.

Movable Arts Feast is a “gallery trail” with a free hop-on, hop-off bus which visits seven top art galleries every Saturday. People are encouraged to visit a selection of Durban’s premier galleries via an "art gallery trail" every Saturday throughout the eight-weekend season. Members of the public will be able to park their cars in Glenwood at the KZNSA and hop on the specially-decorated free Arts Bus, which will travel a dedicated circuit to seven different galleries. Arts Bus Tour Guide King Zorro will be the host along the route.

Movable Arts Feast is a combined project by Celebrate Durban & VANSA (Visual Arts Network South Africa). In response to public demand, the project has been extended to November 6.

Entry is free and all are welcome. Booking is recommended through Cara Walters on 082 330 9859 for bookings.