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Saturday, October 25, 2008


Paulette Barker to conduct walkabout of exhibition on October 26 at 11h00.

Paulette Barker will conduct a walkabout of the Sakhisizwe exhibition at the KZNSA Gallery on October 26 at 11h00.

The art component of Lifeline Durban Prison Programme works with the Sakhisizwe Project at the Medium C Section of Westville Prison, and demonstrates the group’s restorative process by using artists Paul Klee and Vincent van Gogh as inspiration and case studies. The outcome is a series of portraits and self-portraits that burst with the freedom of expression through colour – themes extended into the incredibly vibrant and rich works on “life in prison” and “memories and dreams”.

This exhibition is part of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Lifeline, and was first exhibited at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg, 2008.