national Arts Festival Banner

Monday, October 27, 2008


ColaborVent offers the biggest arts happening on the lower South Coast.

The next ColaborVent to take place in Ramsgate offers the theme, Skin. This will be a multi-disciplined explosion of arts activities happening simultaneously on November 8.

The event will be choreographed and directed by artists Gavin Risi and Marke Meyer and will take avant-garde art on the coast to a whole new level. Ideas from all genres of the arts will be included in a rollercoaster hour long 'event' with, of course, a pre and post party!

Collaboration between artists, dancers, poets, musicians, dramatists, photographers, multi-media artists, singers, songwriters and the technologically & practically minded individuals is the essence of this event.

ColaborVent takes place at the Old Sock Factory in Ramsgate on November 8, with the doors to the old and disused sock factory opening at 18h00. Entry fee is R20. Snacks are free and will be presented in a not-so-ordinary manner. There will be a cash bar. More details from Marke on 082 818 4552.