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Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Monthly arts and culture magazine to be media partner to the FNB Dance Umbrella 2009.

CLASSICFEEL is proud to announce that the award-winning monthly arts and culture magazine will be media partner to the FNB Dance Umbrella 2009.

The FNB Dance Umbrella festival, which is the biggest open and free platform for new contemporary dance and choreography in South Africa, will celebrate its 21st year of presenting new work by South African and international choreographers for three weeks in February and March next year in Gauteng.

Artistic Director Georgina Thomson is excited about the anniversary. ‘We have over the years, attained local and international recognition for the Dance Umbrella and many South African artists living in Europe, come home especially to show work at this prestigious event,’ she comments.

‘To be part of this initiative is indeed a proud moment for CLASSICFEEL magazine as we believe that dance has transcended all boundaries in our country,’ says the magazine’s publisher, Lore Watterson. ‘Dance has proven to be a language that all South Africans understand with it being one of the most integrated art forms today, encompassing all cultures, languages and religions, something we fully support as our editorial policy.’

CLASSICFEEL is an award-winning monthly magazine that brings the best in classical and jazz music, visual arts, film and theatre, as well as food and travel, to its readers. It speaks to a niche, high-end market with discerning tastes across gender, race and age.

artSMart editor Caroline Smart writes a regular column on arts and entertainment in Durban for CLASSICFEEL