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Monday, November 24, 2008


Stephward Estate in Margate to host Centrefold in supper theatre evening.

Stephward Estate in Marge is to host a supper theatre evening featuring Inside the Covers by Centrefold with Jane Candow, Paul Candow Belinda Dolphin and Cheryl Wigmore.

Songs include Unchained Melody, He Ain’t Heavy, Bed of Roses, Hotel California, Wonderful Tonight - linked with stories giving an intimate insight into the life of a professional cover band. The venues, the press, the hecklers, the most embarrassing moments – sometimes hilarious, sometimes tragic – share the laughs and the fears and find out what it means to “Pay Your Dues”.

Inside the Covers has one performance on November 28 at 18h30 for 19h00. Tickets R135 including a dinner buffet. Bookings essential on 039 315 5926 or on-line at