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Monday, December 1, 2008


Popular entertainer to offer two productions and workshops for first school term in 2009.

Popular entertainer Ellis Pearson is available for the first 2009 school term with two productions and workshops to suit learners’ dramatic, creative and artistic needs. These are Blackout and Impisi.

In Blackout, the curtain is coming down on our world. Is it the final curtain and will there be an encore? Join crazy inventor Doughnut and ballroom dancing wannabee Jock in a madcap adventure to help Professor Fifi, save the planet from a lunatic with the power to switch off the sun ... forever. Ellis Pearson and Sean de Klerk, who will be performing this show at The Boho next to Bean Bag Bohemia from December 6 to 31, take a unique, seriously thought-provoking, yet highly entertaining look at the global warming crisis.

Ellis has created a theatre epic to rival a combination of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and James Bond! It is a gigantic battle between good and evil. The arch villain has done what no-one else has dared to do. He has stolen the sun and now holds the world to ransom. Can the unlikely heroes rise to the occasion and help to bring back the light?

Blackout is a comic celebration of everything that is wonderful about theatre – energy, danger, laughter and astonishment; clever use of objects and sound-making devices.

The second production, Impisi is created by Ellis Pearson and Clive Essame, with script development assistance from Bheki Mkhwane. Directed by Brian Pearce and produced by Sue Clarence Promotions, it is performed by Ellis Pearson and Sdumo Mtshali.

Impisi is a story about how society sees difference. “Impisi” is the Zulu term for hyena.

We, the two legged ones, have fixed ideas about this animal, describing it as an ugly, misshapen scavenger; they also have fixed ideas about the majestic king of the jungle. In this parable Hyena helps Lion to take his rightful place in society, despite an accident which leaves him far from physically capable ... or so one would imagine.

Flavoured with the sights, sounds and images of the African plains, Impisi looks at how society views people who appear different, who may have a disability, but who take their place rightfully in society. It is, perhaps, those who judge and discriminate who truly disable people.

Impisi was created thanks to funding by the National Arts Festival where it formed part of the Main Programme in 2008.It also performed at the Witness Hilton Arts Festival in 2008 and it aims to tour the South of England and Singapore in 2009.

Apart from a tour of Gauteng from February 9 to 20, these productions are available during the first term dates. Costs are on a sliding scale per head. More information or to book through Sue Clarence on 082 882 9869 or email: