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Monday, December 1, 2008


Theatre auditions to be held for provincial programmes.

Auditions will be held for people in the Umlazi District on December 4 for provincial programmes presented by the KZN Department of Arts and Culture. Actors and actresses auditioning will be required to produce a 10-minute excerpt of their work at the audition.

Auditionees will be judged according to the theme of their drama as well as setting, atmosphere, costumes and props. Also taken into account will be characterization and performance with other categories carrying a similar high number of marks being storyline/script development and vocal projection. Marks will also be given for optimum use of space, use of movement, visual interpretation, use of music or audiovisual material as well as dance and special effects. There will also be a focus on directional concept, originality and creativity.

There are 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices, receiving R2,000, R1,500 and R1,000 respectively. The first group will receive mentoring and perform at the Playhouse early next year in a Theatre Festival and possibly at the Musho Festival.

The Theatre Auditions are part of the Umlazi District (South Durban) auditions, which have started at area level and culminated at District selections. These include Maskanda, Ngoma, Indlamu isigekle, isibacha and Gospel. These genres have been completed and first places in each genre will perform at Provincial Events and Festivals.

Auditions will take place from 09h00 on December 4 at the Stable Theatre’s Main Auditorium, 115 Johannes Nkosi Street (former Alice Street)

To register, contact/email Mrs D F Miller (Deputy Manager) on 083 307 8963 or email: or contact Mike Mntungwa on 082 315 7801.