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Thursday, February 12, 2009


Programme ahead for popular male vocal ensemble.

The Durban Men’s Choir is now in its 38th year and it is in the process of practicing new songs for its 2009 season.

Forthcoming events see the choir performing on February at 13 at 19h00 at the Berea Road Presbyterian church in a variety concert with a range of music genres. This will be followed by their Valentine’s Day concert with a romantic theme on February 14 at 19h30 at Glenwood High School.

They will perform a Songs of Praise programme on April 5 at 14h30 at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Kingsway. Another variety concert will take place on June 27 at 14h30 at Flame Lily in Malvern.

Towards the end of the year the Durban Men’s Choir will perform a variety show in a supper theatre format with a three-course meal offered from November 19 to 21 at 19h00 at the Kloof Town Hall.

For more information on the concerts contact Gus on 082 892 9334 (email or Patrick on 084 206 8024 (email

“The choir is always looking for new members,” say the organisers. “Singing in the Durban Men’s Choir is a uniquely rewarding and fulfilling experience. If you can sing in tune, then you should give this a try, we guarantee you won't regret it. Although previous choir experience and the ability to read music will assist you in the learning of the songs, this is not a pre-requisite to joining the choir (there are many existing members who are not music literate)”.

For more information contact the above numbers or visit