Stuart Mey takes celebration of hit songs by tp Latino divas to Seabrooke’s.
Stuart Mey has been out of the limelight since the closing of the Dockyard Theatre in January, but it hasn’t meant he’s been idle. “I have been doing “one-nighters”, fundraisers and short runs at various schools, clubs, and at Suncoast Casino, instead of shows with a longer run. I am pleased to say that at last, the various projects that I have been planning are about to begin.
The first of these is Salsa Sizzle at Seabrooke’s Theatre at Durban High School, a theatre built under the patronage of Chris Seabrooke who was a contemporary of Stuart Mey’s at DHS in the 1960’s.
Salsa Sizzle offers a celebration of hit songs as performed by some of the world’s top Latino divas. Cherise Roberts, Kerry-Lee McKibbin and Natasha Lynn will be singing the songs of Christina Aguilera, Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez and some of the classic Latino hits from Carlos Jobim and Sergio Mendes.
Having just landed one of the lead roles in an international production of Grease, is Cherise Roberts. Formerly of Durban, Cherise has been based in Johannesburg for the past five years. She has done numerous Barnyard shows as well as shows for Richard Loring. Kerry-Lee Mc Kibbin has just completed a country wide tour with the Barnyard’s Elvis show, and starred as Agnetha in The Dockyard’s Abba show. Natasha Lynn impressed audiences and the press alike with her stage debut along with McKibbin in the Dockyard’s festive season show Let’s get this party started.
Providing the backing as always, is the award winning Dockyard Show Band, under the musical direction of guitarist Bruce Boome. On keyboards is the inimitable Musa Mtetwa with Titus Beharie on bass, Devon Hore on drums and John Drace on percussion.
The show is available with a buffet dinner prior to the show in the foyer area and desserts available at interval and after the show.
Tickets R180 (show and dinner) or R100 (show only). Dinner is in the form of a buffet catered by La Bella of Essenwood Road). A full bar is on offer. Tickets available on line through www.strictlytickets.com or by phoning 031 201 9175. The show runs till August 1.