Whisper from the Heart Poetry Club to release book by Stan Almendro
South African writer and poet Stan Almendro, who is the editor of Whisper from the Heart Poetry Club, has pleasure in announcing that The Club released its 5th publication last week titled Whisper from the Heart.
The next publication will be Almendro’s own Knock Knock Who’s There?. The publicity information reads: “This is a book filled with passion for women who are victims of our society where the male gender in a cruel, cold and callous way is bent on destruction by physical, emotional, spiritual cruelty and domination. Join the trip with the author as he Intrudes into the minds and hearts of the cold, callous, power hungry males of South Africa. - A book every woman should read!!!”
Knock Knock Who’s There? will be published by Whisper from the Heart Poetry Club. Only 10,000 copies will be available on the 1st Print in October 2009. This unique book will be sold at R150 per copy which includes postage in South Africa.
Stan Almendro has been accepted by a number of International Magazines to write columns. Some of this work can be viewed on the site (www.whisperpoetry) on the main menu under “Hearing God”
Other poetry books available from whisper poetry are: A whisper from the heart; Whispering hope; A whisper in the reeds; Whispering waters, and A winding whisper. Orders can be placed by contacting Whisper poetry on 013 932 3182, 011 869 2308 or 082 801 3202 (Giselle) and 079 514 9165 (Stan Almendro)