Well-known potter to release book in December.
Apart from making a tile panel to commemorate Jacob Zuma laying the foundation for the Gateway Theatre of Shopping, well-known potter Andrew Walford has been working hard with Neil Wright compiling the book A Potter’s Tale in Africa which will be launched in December.
The book gives an insight into the life of one of South Africa’s best potters who has been acknowledged a one of South Africa’s Living Treasures.
A Potter’s Tale in Africa focuses on the lifelong journey and struggles of a young man inspired to make pottery in his youth, starting as an apprentice and working solo at 19; subsequently travelling in Europe in the 60s; teaching in Hamburg; starting a studio in The Black Forest; returning penniless to South Africa and gradually establishing his work on the world ceramic scene. The book deals with Andrew’s philosophy holding fast to ancient Japanese traditions whilst surrounded by nature in Africa and Zulu traditions. There is much technical information on firing his huge kiln to massively high temperatures and the making of his unique metre square tiles. From the historical to the philosophical this promises to be a most unusual book.
Andrew Walford will host his annual Christmas exhibition at his home and studio overlooking Shongweni dam and nature reserve on December 6 from 10h00 to 18h00. Phone 031 769 1363 for details and directions or visit www.andrewwalford.co.za