Two new dance works by David Gouldie and Lliane Loots.
Flatfoot Dance Company is to present a new collaboration by its artistic director Lliane Loots and acclaimed choreographer David Gouldie.
David Gouldie's work, Blooldlines Part 1, opens the evening and combines his highly theatrical sense of staging with the use of classical line and speed. As Gouldie says, "this work is a response to a few concepts that have been rattling through my brain this last while and is everything Durban, which, I suppose, is deeply my bloodline!" His work is a desperate search to feel the emotions in all of the blood and clinical mathematics of reason and deduction. "Blood, and the politics of blood is, after all, life?"
Lliane Loots's work, Bloodlines Part 2, delves uncompromisingly into a political dreamscape that looks into questions of home, belonging and what it means to be a contemporary African. Images of bloodlines that encompass African refugees in South Africa, itinerant African people searching for a home, and Loots's own ironic look at whiteness and her own Afrikaner roots, is presented in a dance work that offers the dreams and nightmares of the present. Collaborating with internationally acclaimed slam poet ewok (Iain Robinson), Loots finds a way to thread the spoken work and ewok's own inimitable performance style into a performance that begins to redefine the concept of 'dance theatre'. Also collaborating once again with Loots, is Durban filmmaker Karen Logan whose poetic images further layer the dreamscapes of the choreography.
Bloodlines runs until October 4 at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre. Booking is at Computicket. More information on 031 260 3133 (office hours).