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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The South African Ballet Theatre announces audition date for the 2010 Graduate Programme.

Auditions for The South African Ballet Theatre’s 2010 Graduate Programme will be held on October 10 at 10h00 at The South African Ballet Theatre (SABT) studios at the Joburg Theatre, Hoofd Street, Braamfontein.

The audition will consist of an audition ballet class. Applicants are also required to prepare a short variation or solo in the classical ballet style which will be performed by short-listed candidates only – applicants are also asked to bring along a CD of the music for their variation.

The audition process should be completed by 12h00.A studio will be available from 09h30 in order to enable candidates to warm up beforehand.

Male and female applicants should be appropriately dressed in ballet gear – pink tights and leotards for ladies and tights and t-shirts for men to enable the SABT panel to clearly view their work. Female applicants need to bring pointe shoes.

The SABT Graduate Programme offers young amateur dancers an opportunity to work for either six months or a year with a professional ballet company and experience first-hand the career of a professional ballet dancer. This exposure also enables amateur dancers to personally experience whether they are equipped physically, emotionally and mentally for the rigours of a full-time ballet career. The course exposes the Graduate to the world of the professional stage – aspects such as lighting designer, set design and costuming.

Successful Graduate applicants will participate in classes, rehearsals and productions of a high professional standard, produced by The South African Ballet Theatre.

The course also offers experience in general office management and public relations by dealing with the members of the media, public and role-players in the ballet fraternity. Graduates are required to present a research project, connected to The South African Ballet Theatre’s seasons.

At the completion of the one-year course, the Artistic Team of The South African Ballet Theatre will evaluate the Graduate’s progress and accordingly, and dependent on availability, offer the individual a contract. All Graduates who successfully complete the course (including the research project) will receive a certificate to this effect.

The Graduation Programme fees total R3,000 per quarter or R12,000 for the entire year.

Applicants may register their intention to audition by calling Mr Edgar Moagi on 011 877 6893 and are asked to provide a one-page curriculum vitae on the day of the audition. For any other queries please contact SABT on 011 877 6898.