MACS in Pietermaritzburg to unite with feltmakers around the world in interesting project.
On October 3 of this year, feltmakers from around the world unite in We Felt United so others can be made aware of this wonderful ancient technique of making non-woven cloth from fleece, i.e. the wool off the sheep’s back.
“South Africa is a bit behind the other countries and MACS is about to help change that,” says a representative of the Midlands Arts & Crafts Society (MACS). “We have joined our colleagues from 23 countries (at last count) across the world to be part of their project: a slice of the colour wheel: yellow through red. We have started making felt at MACS in support of this initiative.
“Anyone interested can come and see what is happening on Thursdays at MACS (23 Haldane Road, cnr of Ritchie Road, Pietermaritzburg) or, for a better glimpse join MACS on Heritage Day (September 24) from 09h00. You may even want to try your own hand, for instant therapy. It’s free.”
For those who want to find out more about making their own felt, MACS offers a subsidised three-day workshop during the school holidays on September 28, 29 & 30 from 09h00 to 14h00. The cost is R325 (R220 scholars, pensioners and MACS members) which will include a basic starter kit of raw materials. Facilitators are Jutta Faulds and Clare Smith.
Phone 033 386 6500 to book. Please state your “status” (scholar etc) to help with planning.
On October 3, there is an Open House at MACS celebrating World Felt Making Day: We Felt United, it might help us to FEEL united!.