Large scale paintings of waterlillies by Ellis Pearson at artSPACE Durban.
A solo exhibition of large scale paintings of waterlillies titled Stillness Moves by Ellis Pearson can be seen in the Middle Gallery at artSPACE Durban.
Through this series of large oil paintings Pearson explores his fascination with water - the stillness, the movement, reflection, layers of depth, the mystery, the hidden-ness, the beauty, the colours, the shifting formlessness.
Ellis Pearson is a painter, a sculptor, a maker of theatre, a theatre director, an actor, a magician, a juggler, a mime, a musician, a funny man and now a teacher of creativity. He combines his wonderful inventiveness with a crazy sense of humour and a keen observation to create works of art and theatre that appeal to audiences anywhere in the world.
Stillness Moves runs until October 24 at artSPACE durban, 3 Millar Road (off Umgeni Road) close to the Waste Centre. More information on 031 312 0793 or visit www.artspacedurban.co.za or www.artspacedurban.blogspot.com