Ceramics SA/KZN Regional Exhibition at artSPACE Durban.
Mud to Art, the Ceramics SA/KZN Regional Exhibition is currently on view at artSPACE durban’s Main Gallery.
Ceramic artists of the Ceramics KZN Southern Africa Association present their Regional exhibition which is a showcase for the best ceramic work in KZN. The range of work is interesting as it covers functional through to expressive. This exhibition is a must for the serious collector. Entry is through selection and the award judge is well known Cape potter Ann Marais.
Drawn from Clay is the two-dimensional component of the Ceramics SA/KZN where the concept of exhibiting ceramics, alongside paintings that relate to ceramics that has been organized by Carol Hayward-Fell. The artists participating are invited artists: Pascale Chandler, Jeannie Kinsler, Louise Jennings, Ronnie Huber, Nicole Pletts, and Carol Beckx and also a selection of Carol's students' works.
Mud to Art runs until October 24 at artSPACE durban, 3 Millar Road (off Umgeni Road) close to the Waste Centre. More information on 031 312 0793 or visit www.artspacedurban.co.za or www.artspacedurban.blogspot.com