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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Standout performances in play that certainly deserves further exposure. (Review by Maurice Kort)

Directed by Thomas Mpoeleng, Conscience is about the relationship between two brothers, Thembiso (Mandla Biyela), and the older Temba (Andile Mdletshe). The audience is introduced first to the young Thembiso and his relationships with his mother and his father. This is depicted by an energetic Mandla Biyela switching rapidly among the various roles of the mother, so busy with the washing and keeping the house clean; the father, who bullies Thembiso unmercifully, and of course Thembiso. Along the way he is also a preacher and a young girl on whom Thembiso has his eye. All this is beautifully accomplished with only a towel as a prop used as an apron, a scarf, a priest top or a skirt.

In due course, the older Temba makes his appearance, with a gammy leg and not in good health. This occurs after the death of their parents in a car crash and he is arranging the double funeral. This is when the drama begins. There is a bitter argument and fight over the money left by the parents.

There are standout performances by the two actors who are most convincing in their roles. The only small criticism is a lack of projection by Andile Mdletshe at times but this in no way detracts from excellent performances and what the Musho Festivals is all about, giving exposure to up and coming actors and playwrights. This play certainly deserves further exposure. – Maurice Kort