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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Energetic Grant Jacobs in physical theatre at its best. (Review by Maurice Kort)

Lucky is a rare breed. Although a street urchin, he takes his job earning an honest living as a car guard most seriously, only accepting money he has earned, as the car guard, but also as an acrobat and a professional beggar. He has a remarkable outlook on life, believing that he is like a seagull, soaring the skies over land and sea and dipping into the ocean. All this is depicted by the very energetic Grant Jacobs in physical theatre at its best.

Through much of the play, film of the streets which are home to Lucky is projected onto a screen. Very pertinent to the story, the projections include a lady rushing away after tipping Lucky for guarding her car and who drops a R50 note and a father figure, Mr James (Loyiso McDonald).

This is an enchanting, uplifting play, tightly directed by Jean van Elden, with Grant Jacobs continuing to be very active in the Durban Theatre scene, very hard working indeed.

My Name is Lucky came second place in both the 2010 Musho Audience Award and the 2010 Suliman Selection. Winners of these awards were Senzo Mthethwa and iainEWOKrobinson is LIVE! respectively. – Maurice Kort