The Party Police hits uShaka Marine World’s Upper Deck from March 25 to run for close on two months. The show highlights a highly trained group of party animals on a constant mission to rid the world of boring social gatherings! They are contacted by desperate individuals to spice up their parties; a task they take very seriously… as a matter of speaking.
The true success of this show is based on the concept of introducing the characters in the first half by means of a basic storyline where we see them rescuing three separate events.
At the end of the first half they receive a phone call from Mr Wayne Scott pleading that they come work their magic at the uShaka Upper Deck. The entire second half takes place in real time with real interaction with the audience. Audience participation forms the basis of the performance, during which members of the audience are fined for a variety of “party-abuses”.
The show is compiled of a variety of the best party songs of all times and is sure to get the audience singing and eventually dancing. The line-up includes the likes of A little Less Conversation, I’ve got a feeling, Don’t Chas, Tequila, We will Rock You , Great Balls of Fire, Born to be Wild and many more.
The Party Police features Grant Jacobs and Clare McIlroy alongside new performers Craig Hawks, Suzi Swanepoel and Marno van der Merwe.
The Party Police runs every Thursday to Saturday at uShaka Marine World’s Upper Deck from March 25 until May 22. Tickets R60 (excluding, food and beverages) booked through Computicket. For bookings and more information call 031 328 8107.