Launch day at Imagine Books at Hillcrest’s Heritage Market.
Imagine Books will be hosting a book launch day at the bookshop itself and at Woodrose Restaurant.
The books being promoted are the already-published Little Hare Lost (2007) by local author and historian Robin Lamplough and Dassie (2009) by Marjorie Matthews. Both children's stories revolve around the magical world and adventures of the animals of Africa, and are sure to be of great value to children who have grown up on this continent with its amazing variety of wildlife. Both authors will be present to sign copies of their books.
Another book, hot-off-the-press, will be Home Grown Garden Makeovers by Juanita Knox, the well known presenter of The Home Channel's gardening show Home-grown. Juanita will do her presentation with a power-point show at 12h30 on June 26 inside The Woodrose, where she will gladly sign copies of her book for those who attend. A light finger-lunch will be provided.
The launch takes place on June 26 and there will be a Charity Market on the same day in aid of The Jess Foord Foundation and Jelly Bean Foundation. Imagine Books is situated at 84/85 Heritage Market in Hillcrest. More information from Steven Duckworth on email: